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Books I’m Reading as a First Time Mom

Writer: Brenna NailBrenna Nail

Let’s be honest, I don’t have much time to read, or, at least, I usually fill my time doing other things… BUT I do have a little stack of books that I slowly chip away at every once in awhile. This post is mostly geared to new mommies/wives, but if this doesn’t apply to you one of these books could still be a great Christmas gift for someone you know!

Mama, You Still Matter by Laura Heflin

I actually received this book as a gift from the local author/influencer herself! She has an amazing story that I instantly related to when she spoke at the MOMs group I attend. She got married young, and struggled with Postpartum Depression/Anxiety (PPD/PPA) just like myself. She even graduated from the same small, Christian high-school I went to. Totally a God thing that I got to meet her!

Anyways, this book is a wonderful way to remind myself that I need to take care of myself just as much as I take care of my family, and I highly suggest it to ANY mom of ANY age!

Grace, Not Perfection by Emily Ley

This book was also gifted to me the same day I met Laura, and it has a very similar message. Since I am a perfectionist by nature, this book helps me remember I don’t need to be perfect when God is in control!

Captivating by John & Stasi Eldredge This one isn’t mom related, but definitely wife related. I highly recommend this book be paired with Wild at Heart by the same authors. This couple really help their readers understand how to help become better husbands and wives. The book touches into deep emotions and fears that most men and women face, and how to help their partner feel loved despite those insecurities. I read this back during my freshman year of highschool, and I am excited to restart it as a new wife!

What To Expect The First Year by Heidi Murkoff

This one is probably obvious for most, or you have least HEARD about it from your mother, your aunt, or the experienced mom in the Bible study you attend. Nonetheless, it gets a lot of attention for a good reason; it helps moms anticipate what’s next, and KNOW YOUR BABY IS NORMAL when unexpected milestones come up that you were unaware of!

Any Prayer Journal

This is the one I started using, but really you can grab an old composition book lying around. I like this one because it has a few verses of inspo each week and space for prayers, answered prayers, whats going on this week, and a few other thoughtful categories.

Last but not least: The Holy Bible Can’t forget to add the most important Guide Book to mothers, wives, and humans in general!

If you read this all the way through even if you aren’t looking for some books to read… Wow… Thank you! Maybe one day this list will come in handy!



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